Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Life on Mars?

Today I start with Films, although I haven't actually watched a film today but rather a TV programme. If you hadn't already guessed, I watched Life on Mars - Yes, the good British version - , in fact I finished watching series two and therefore Life on Mars altogether. I still don't really understand the overall concept of the programme like Ashes to Ashes, but nevertheless it is one of my favourite TV series due to Gene Hunt's outrageous sense of humour and, of course, the soundtrack. Wednesday is usually Cinema Day - due to the Orange Wednesdays 2 for 1 deal - however my usual 'Cinema Crew' were busy so we gave it a miss this week.

As for the Gaming side of things, well, I didn't really do much. However I did play on the MMORPG RuneScape. I know what some of you are thinking - "Why does he play that rubbish" - well, it's really not that bad. RuneScape used to be a pretty dull, poor designed game. However Post-2008, Jagex have really pulled their socks up. Now, the game has crisp game graphics more than reasonable for a Java-based game, regular updates of interesting content and the majority of pillacks who used to play it have stopped playing or been banned. Well enough with trying to explain myself, today I completed the newest free quest: Gunnar's Ground. It was short but sweet as I obtained a new pair of boots and a healthy serving of crafting experience. Membership has run out now so I will remain a free player until I can be bothered to be a member again.

Well as promised, a better 'Stuff' section is here - bear in mind anything is an improvement on yesterday's - . I finished reading Harry Potter and The Philosopher's Stone today, I think I attempted to read it when I was around 10 years old but gave up due to my short attention span. The book was a lot more interesting than the film - even though I like the film a lot - as it had a lot more explanations which the film lacked.

Well that shall do for today. If you can, have a listen to Life on Mars? by David Bowie, its worth a listen. :)

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